Engineering the responsible way
Our approach to supply chain sustainability, as part of our One Planet: Engineering with Purpose Sustainability Strategy, feeds into the strategies of each of our Businesses, allowing bespoke application according to Business Specific needs. While this flexibility enables local supply chains to support local manufacturing facilities supplying products to their local markets, it in turn supports our ability to monitor and drive supplier sustainability. We have set global standards as detailed in the Supplier Sustainability Code as well as ESG and Product Compliance requirements set out in the Supplier Sustainability Portal.
Supplier Sustainability Code
Since the launch of our One Planet: Engineering with Purpose Sustainability Strategy, we have updated and refreshed the Supplier Sustainability Code and have systematically requested our global suppliers to re-confirm their commitments to the standards defined in the Code.
We expect our suppliers to operate in accordance with law, conduct business free from bribery or corruption, adhere to international human rights principles, treat colleagues fairly, operate safely and take steps to mitigate their environmental impacts.
Modern slavery and human trafficking
We aim to operate to the highest ethical standards across our Group. We respect and protect human rights and will not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking in any of our business operations, including our supply chain.
Product responsibility
We design and produce products that are safe, reliable and fit for purpose.
A combination of extensive analysis, test and validation procedures during product development and a rigorous attention to detail during manufacture, ensure that our products are of the highest quality and will meet their, often tough, application requirements.
We are working towards applying eco-design principles during product development to ensure that our products are safe to use, contain ethically sourced materials, avoid hazardous substances and are environmentally sound throughout their lifecycle.