Governance Framework

Good governance adds value.

It is lean, transparent and ethical, focused on tackling operational challenges in ways that complement the Group Strategic Priorities.

It always seeks the best outcomes for stakeholders and is never content with merely staying out of trouble.

Good governance enables us to build a sustainable, better future for all of us.

It’s the duty of board members to remain focused on broad, strategic goals while tackling day-to-day issues and meeting their responsibilities, so it’s incumbent on them to work with certain governance ideals in mind.

In order to do this the Group has developed various policies to enable and empower our colleagues to achieve our goals.

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Group Management Code
Articles of Association
UK Corporate Governance Code - Statement of Compliance


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Matters Reserved to the Board


Board Committees - Terms of Reference
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Remuneration Committee
Nomination Committee
Risk Management Committee
Audit Committee
Colleague Engagement Committee


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Group Environmental and Energy Policy
Group Sustainability Policy
Group Health and Safety Policy - Statement of Intent
Remuneration Policy
Auditor Engagement Policy
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Charitable Donations Policy
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Employee Volunteering Policy
Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality Policy
Human Rights Policy
Supplier Sustainability Code
Whistle-blowing Policy
Board Diversity Policy


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Group Taxation Strategy
Modern Slavery Statement 2024